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Healing the Blocks to Love

The Angel Oak Tree, Charleston South Carolina, estimated to be between 300-500 years old

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." -A Course in Miracles

Our blocks to experiencing love are not just mental. Sometimes, they are rooted in the way our nervous system has been wired to "protect" us. Love, for some, has been intertwined with pain:

Sometimes, love felt like being insulted.

Sometimes, love felt like being yelled at, berated, and made to feel less than.

Sometimes, the people who were supposed to be our safest haven became the greatest source of pain and admonishment.

These experiences can leave our nervous system in disarray, constantly on high alert. It's not just about what we think or believe; it’s about how we’re literally wired.

Healing becomes a process of recalibrating—from the inside out.

For me, it’s about anchoring into my own strength and allowing my body to be filled with the vitality of the present moment. Feeling the love that is available does not necessarily mean the love of or from a specific person, but an essence that is always present and available.

Ultimately, it’s about cultivating my own love for myself:

Seeing myself without judgment.

Letting go of shame.

Refusing to belittle myself for not being “good enough.”

Instead, I choose to see the gifts I offer to the world. I see myself as a tree with many branches, each one representing the unique parts of me. And the acorns that fall? They are the gifts I offer—my contributions to the world.

Healing is not a linear path, but as I recalibrate, I discover that love—true, unconditioned love—has been within me all along.


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